News & Articles: Will - What to Include?
What you include in your will can help keep your property intact for your heirs. You are free to do what you wish with your property. However, the law does give your dependents – your spouse and your children – a right to ask for money from your estate if you do not leave them certain minimum requirements. When writing a will, select an executor now called an Estate Trustee, who is trustworthy and very organized. Make sure to clearly state who is to receive your home, property and any other material possessions. You can also name the person you would like to have look after your children if both you and the other parent die. If you get married, your will becomes invalid automatically and must be redone. If you get separated or divorced, you should review your will to make sure it is still accurate. A will prepared by an experienced lawyer is your best guarantee that your final wishes will be followed.
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