News & Articles: Title Insurance
Title insurance provides broad coverage for many of the risks associated with buying a home – problems that an up-to-date survey would reveal, zoning issues that would prevent you from living in your home, major work orders or bylaw violations against your property. Title insurance protects you should someone else claim an interest in or ownership of your property, and covers you for as long as you or your heirs own it. Title insurance also protects you should any outstanding lines or debts be discovered after your purchase. For a one-time premium, title insurance can cover a home owner for losses as a result of not having an up-to-date survey, having a property built too close to the lot line m or as a result of a fraudulent document registered on the title. Many Ontario real estate lawyers offer TitlePLUS, a product of the Lawyers Professional Indemnity Company, a Canadian insurance firm. Ask your lawyer about title insurance, and TitlePLUS.
Contact Spagnuolo Professional Corporation at (905) 856-0034